STOP spinning your wheels and (finally) create the level of success in your business we both know you deserve!

Girl I see you hustl’n “working hard for the money” flying by the seat of your pants to get it all done. You and I both know you’ve haven’t been slacking… but something just isn’t right.

It’s time to develop a rock solid plan that will set the foundation for a long lasting, sustainable business that you love, a plan that allows you to experience real growth and freedom that you see others attaining with (what seems to be) ease.

You’ve invested in yourself in every course that was slung your way. Yes, even with all the programs, all the gurus and all the “expert advice” you have diligently followed... they all have some missing piece to the puzzle, some golden nugget that gets left out. Leaving you scrambling trying to figure out exactly what you need to be doing to crush your goals.

You desire to one day have a business that allows you to spend more time with your family, go on a sweet vacay sans computer and grows stronger month after month.

Most of your weekends are spent glued to your laptop trying to put together a “plan” for your marketing only to become frustrated and confused and are left spinning your wheels without gaining any real traction.  Leaving you scrambling during the week just trying to do something, anything to get your name out there. Only to be left with lackluster sales, launches that fall flat on their face and an email list that has seen less action than your favorite real housewives. 

I mean sure… you are signing clients here and there. BUT there are always a thousand and one things to be done.  You have some success but don’t have a rock solid plan that lays out exactly what you need to focus on to reach your dreams.  There is the marketing, the funnels, the social media posting, the emails, the graphics not to mention actually serving your clients in the best way you can.

If you have been wondering what’s holding you back? Are beyond frustrated with how to structure a plan to move your business forward? Do you struggle with creating a clear roadmap or blueprint that you can follow and know exactly what marketing pieces you need, why you need them and when to implement them?

If you are ready to make this year “the year” you get out of your own way and really step into your own then the Ignite Your Biz Intensive is for you.

So here’s the deal…

I know for a fact that there is a lot to know about your offers, about your customer, your competition, about you and your business and  I truly want to get to know it at an intimate level.

The Ignite Your Biz Intensive is broken up into 3 phases.

When you sign up for the intensive you will be required to fill out a form that will take you about 30-45 minutes. So grab your fave Vente drink and sit in a quiet place! This form is going to be MY homework.  I am going to dig deep into your business, I am going to look at who your competitors are, I am going to see what is working and what’s not, look at all of your sales pages, your offers, your website and social media.  

From my research I am going to craft a blueprint that is clear and takes into consideration of all of the unique circumstances of your business.  

Phase two is all about you and I getting cozy on a recorded call for two hours. During that two hour call, I take all my pre-work, all the research I did and we talk, and we hash out, and we create a complete road map for the next three to six months. We're going to dive into your offers and your funnels, and I will actually give you all the strategy, the tactics that I’ve learned throughout over the past 15+ years, as well as what I have learned in working with my clients businesses. I'm laying it all out on the table for you like an awesome blind date you won’t want to skip out on.

The idea is that by the end of the two hours, you are going to have everything all organized into a workable plan that you can actually take and go execute and implement yourself if you had the time.

Within a few days of our 1:1 call I will be delivering to you a report plus I will give you the recording of our call. The report basically outlines in great detail everything we talked about, your blueprint to be executed. I will also include in this report estimated costs in getting everything we discussed implemented (in great detail- should you want us to get the ball rolling).  This report is very extensive and takes me about 6-10 hours to complete.

The idea is that if we decide we don't want to work together, you can take this blueprint and you can do it yourself or you can execute it with somebody else.

The Ignite You Biz Intensive is a precursor to working with us at a higher level!

If this sounds like a good fit for you act quickly as we have
limited intensive appointment slots available each month.

Your investment?
Just one low payment of $997  

This is for you if: 

✔ You're READY to finally create the lifestyle and bank account you've been dreaming of

✔ You have a budget to invest in your business to take your business to the next level

✔ You're making at least $2500 a month in your current business and want to double, triple or even 10X that in 2019

✔ You're ambitious and have the drive to see your business succeed. You wont just allow the Biz Intensive Plan to sit on the shelf with no action taken

This is NOT for you if: 

❌ You only have an idea and have not yet started your online business journey

❌ You are constantly blaming others or circumstances for why you aren't yet where you want to be

❌ You are not ready or able to invest the time, energy and money into growing your business in 2019

The Ignite You Biz Intensive is a precursor to working with us at a higher level!

If this sounds like a good fit for you act quickly as we have
limited intensive appointment slots available each month.

Your investment?
Just one low payment of $997