27 Jan Avoid These 4 “Social Media Faux Pas” If You Are Looking To Build Authority & Influence On Social Media
Imagine having your social media posts and inboxes full of messages and comments from potential clients every time all ready and eager to work with you….
Imagine getting hundreds of people to like, share, and comment on just about anything and everything you post on social media…
Imagine being in such high demand that you can charge “almost” any price and people still line up with their credit cards in hand to buy from you…
These scenarios happen when people think of you first when confronted by a problem or obstacle they need to solve.
What gets people to think of you first? You are an authority in your niche. When people have a problem they don’t know how to handle, you – as their #1 authority in that area of their life – are the first person they think of.
In fact, one of the most important aspects of becoming a successful entrepreneur is to become an authority or influencer in your specific niche.
How do you go from unknown to unforgettable?
Build authority through your social media accounts – for free
Believe it or not, it’s fairly easy to gain the visibility you currently lack, by encouraging people to be your friends or followers on social media. I don’t mean having them “like” your business page. I mean, be your personal friends.
Let’s look at Facebook for example. With all of these changes happening on Facebook right now Facebook is really forcing businesses to pay to play so to speak, and won’t show your business page posts to more than a few of your followers for free, in some situations it makes more sense to focus on building your friend list than on getting more followers and “likes” for your business page.
That way you can create value, push out notifications, and build relationships with thousands of Facebook “friends”. For free. All while building your authority and your brand.
I should caution you though: this is all possible only as long as you don’t make these 4 common social media faux pas that actually cause people to RUN FOR THE HILLS as fast as they can, before…
…they have a chance to hear about your product or service,
…they have the opportunity to get to know you,
So before you spend another penny on advertising… and before you create your next marketing campaign… make sure you avoid these mistakes.
Mistake #1 – Your personal profile makes you look like an amateur
Many people are still using the personal profiles they started several years ago, and which hasn’t been updated. This is prime internet real estate! Put it to work for you!
Do a thorough analysis of your personal profiles across all social media platforms. What does it say about you? Would your ideal client feel drawn to your posts and images?
In your “About” section, do you include all the links for your websites? Do you include an easy way for people to contact you outside of social media? Do you include a great description of what you do and whom you serve?
Most importantly, does your profile look like someone with whom you would want to do business?
Mistake #2 – You Stay Within Your Little Social Cliques
Most entrepreneurs stay in their own social “cliques” on social media. They may be part of a group or two, but don’t engage as much as they should.
Make it your goal to get into as many groups as possible, that are a good match for your niche.
Engage with people in these groups. Add value to the groups by responding to posts and comments and by delivering great content that people can really use and apply to their situations to get those quick wins they are looking for.
People will start to notice you and begin to think of you as a leader. And that will open doors to networking with other respected leaders in the same niche, and related niches as well.
Mistake #3 – You’re Hanging With the Wrong Crowd
If you are only friends with your high school and college friends, and close family members, you can’t expect to make a lot of valuable business connections. Start treating social media like it’s real life.
Think about this: If you went to a live event and talked to people and created good rapport, you wouldn’t just ignore that person and never talk to them again. You would ask for an email address or phone number or something designed to open up the lines of communication.
Social Media really isn’t all that different. If you find that someone in a group is adding value to your life by commentary or discussion, by all means, send that person a message and a friend request. Thank someone for helping you out personally and or publicly by tagging them and thanking them for all to see.
Don’t just waste time on social media, randomly scrolling through your feeds. INVEST in your time on social media by surrounding yourself with people who are influencers, and in communities that will help you grow, both personally and professionally. Block out time for social media networking and connecting each day and stick to a strict schedule. Think of it as a networking event and go into each day with the following thoughts:
- How can I get my brand out there today?
- How many people can I help today?
- What do I need help with today?
- Who can I make new connections with today?
- What new tip or trick can I share today?
Mistake #3 – You’re a Taker Instead of a Giver
There are two kinds of people on social media: takers (consumers) and givers (curators).
Takers are those that scroll mindlessly through their feed, looking at all the great things other people are doing and saying.
Givers put out valuable, engaging content that attracts attention, builds influence and builds loyalty.
The best way to be a giver is to build a community of fans and prospects that give you insight and inspiration for creating new products, services, and coaching programs.
When the time comes to launch your product or service, your friends, fans and group members will be the hungriest and most eager to buy from you. Having a highly engaged group on Facebook can be one of the easiest way to grow and monetize a following on Facebook specifically.
So let me ask you are you guilty of these social media faux pas? Can you think of other faux pas that can work against you when it comes to being seen as an authority figure or influencer in your niche? Post them in the comments below would love to know your thoughts.